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DevWorld Tech Academy DWTA is a pretty new initiative from WealthBankers Limited's tech division DevWorld. Its purpose is to groom well rounded Developers and IT experts who understand the theories, but are also very practical, experienced (through doing) and who are not afraid of technology
Job Description:
Qualification Required & Experience
You must provide these documents to be considered for interview:
A strong portfolio of your past works and experiences (will be requested during interview – links or files)
Those qualified for interview will be sent an interview invitation email at least 3 days before the interview date (no phone call will be made). There will be only one interview day & no rescheduling.
Those emailed for interview will be given simple tasks to complete with a specified time to test their skills in the fields that want to teach in.
If you are accepted, you will be invited to come for a meeting and be presented with your appointment letter and will be informed of the date to come collect our teacher’s starter pack.
Interested and qualified? Go to DevWorld Tech Academy on to applyBuild your CV for free. Download in different templates.
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