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  • Posted: Mar 11, 2020
    Deadline: Mar 31, 2020
  • Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us

    Brainy Bairn School mission is to create a vibrant and challenging learning environment that offers high quality education which emphasizes and stresses on the academic and total development of each childs moral, spiritual, social, emotional and physical well-being.

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    Primary School Teacher

    Brainy Bairn School is a fantastic place to work, offering a wide range of opportunity and support for every member of staff. We have a shared ambition to do our very best for every pupil in our care.

    We are looking to recruit a qualified and an outstanding teacher who will join our dedicated team in our drive to raise attainment and increase enrichment for all pupils across the school..

    Main Purpose

    • To carry out the professional duties of a class teacher in accordance with the school’s policies under the direction of the Head teacher.
    • To be an effective professional who demonstrates thorough curriculum knowledge, can teach and assess effectively, take responsibility for professional development and has students who achieve well.
    • Work proactively and effectively in collaboration and partnership with all stakeholders in the best interests of pupils
    • Act within, the statutory frameworks, which set out their professional duties and responsibilities

    Duties and Responsibilities

    • To carry out the duties of a schoolteacher as set out in the school’s teacher handbook and have due regard to the school’s Teacher Standards. The Successful Applicant will:


    • Plan collaboratively alongside the Year Group team to provide an engaging and exciting curriculum.
    • Evaluate and reflect on learning outcomes for the pupils.
    • Use a range of teaching styles which promote a love of learning.
    • Present the curriculum in a stimulating and interesting manner, being positive and encouraging to pupils and valuing each child’s contribution.
    • Differentiate the curriculum appropriately according to the individual pupils.
    • Use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan subsequent sessions.
    • Give parents and pupils regular feedback, both orally and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback.
    • Provide an engaging, stimulating and challenging environment that reflects children’s learning
    • Monitor and organize classroom resources to promote independent learning and keep them in a good state of repair.
    • Promote the development and emotional well-being of pupils.

    Working with colleagues

    • Plan and work collaboratively and support colleagues.
    • Communicate with colleagues regarding the progress and well-being of children to ensure continuity.
    • Work as closely as possible with parents and other stakeholders
    • Willingness to work as part of a team in all areas of school life

    Work within the school

    • Act in a professional manner at all times.
    • Make children aware of their role in the wider caring community.
    • Attend staff meetings, parents’ evenings and any curriculum meetings as part of directed time.
    • Attend year team/phase meetings
    • Be actively involved in behaviour management, both inside and outside the classroom in accordance with school policy
    • Do playground/outside provision duty
    • Take assemblies (when appropriate)
    • Liaise with any necessary external agencies
    • Keep abreast of current educational developments and review their own performance from time to time
    • Participate in arrangements for the appraisal of your performance and that of other teachers
    • Accept your right and responsibility for professional development, attending any appropriate courses
    • Be aware of the safety and welfare of the children

    Curriculum maintenance

    • Work with colleagues in a School Development/Teaching and Learning team
    • Take responsibility for stock maintenance, resourcing and developing particular curriculum areas

    Required Skills or Experience


    • Commitment to the highest standards of educational and pastoral care for all children.
    • Strong knowledge of child development and the need for continuity and progression
    • Willingness to teach across the primary age range
    • Relevant teaching qualification
    • Experience of Primary teaching
    • Be confident in the use of ICT
    • Willingness to contribute to extra-curricular activities
    • Ability to listen and respond to the needs of children
    • Ability to inspire children

    Work within the school

    • Appreciation of the role of all stakeholders and a welcoming attitude to their interest
    • Commitment to, and understanding of, equal opportunities
    • A willingness to support the school ethos in developing a stimulating and secure environment
    • Have stamina and a sense of humour


    • Flexibility and adaptability
    • Good knowledge of current initiatives and ability to organise into practice
    • Ability to motivate and create a collegiate atmosphere within the school
    • Knowledge and understanding of safeguarding procedures

    Method of Application

    Please email the following to [email protected] on or before 31st March, 2020 - (Note: Subject of your email should be the job title)

    1. Personal Statement in support of your application. (This tells us how you meet each of the points on the person specification. We need to have this information in order to consider your application. It must not exceed 2 pages).
    2. Curriculum Vitae  (Your CV must cover the last 5years of employment history where possible and any employment breaks must be explained)
    3. Two References (one of these should be your current or most recent employer).

    Build your CV for free. Download in different templates.

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