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  • Posted: Dec 11, 2019
    Deadline: Dec 31, 2019
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    Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) is the National Statistical Office of Ghana, with a mission to lead the efficient production and management of quality official statistics based on international standards, using competent staff for evidence-based decision-making, in support of national development.

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    Deputy Government Statistician, Economic and Data Science


    •  To offer support to the Government Statistician through the provision of strategic leadership for the efficient production and optimal use of economic statistics at all levels of governance (national, regional and district) and by all other stakeholders for promoting an evidence-based decision-making culture


    •  Develop and oversee the implementation of an integrated framework for the transformation of economic statistics and engagement with data in a manner that responds to national. regional and global development agendas,
    •  Provide strategic direction and lead the execution of the mandate of the sections under the remit of the Deputy Government Statistician for Economic and Data Science, namely National Accounts and Macroeconomic Analysis, Business Statistics and Prices. Methods and Standards. Research and Data Science.
    •  Institute innovative interventions and ensure compliance with international standards to help coordinate and lead the production of economic statistics within the national statistical system;
    •  Build and maintain professional and forward-looking relationships on economic statistics with the Bank of Ghana. Ministries for Finance and Planning and other key user and opinion formers,
    •  Position and protect Ghana Statistical Service on the international pedestal as a leader in the production of quality and policy-relevant economic statistics;
    •  Lead the determination and regular update of the scope granularity and frequency of economic statistics;
    •  Generate, publish, and defend all needed economic statistics for national and global development:
    •  Design and implement monitoring and evaluation systems that uncover staff potential and motivation for optimal growth of GSS in a manner that impacts Ghana's development agenda,
    •  Engage with and ensure collective adherence to fundamental codes of ethics. conducts and practices in data handling and analysis.
    •  Lead the production of high-quality economic statistics for tracking the performance of national. regional and international development agenda, notably the National Coordinated Programme for Economic and Social Development Policies_ the Africa Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
    •  Deploy contemporary data science tools in harnessing different data sources while ensuring complementarities and convergence with traditional surveys and censuses:
    •  Promote the production of metadata and manuals for sources of data and methods as integral components in the release to economic statistics to foster use of data and further analytical engagements to inform policy discourse:
    •  Design an optimal mix of statistical methods and data science for the establishment of a coherent and cutting-edge cadre of analytic methods across the NSS:
    •  Develop the data conceptualization and methodological skills base across the NSS:
    •  Drive an agenda to harmonize data production, analysis and use across the NSS:
    •  Build strong strategic partnerships with Government Agencies, Private Sector Organisations and with other analytic professions to catalyse new sources of data (big, administrative and geo-spatial) and their uses for policy development and service delivery;
    •  Help drive the transformation of data services available to decision-makers and the public, mobilising data held by departments and capitalising on the unique position and potential capability of GSS to provide an authoritative and compelling public face for this agenda;
    •  Initiate, provide and institutionalise evidence-based statistics to engender public policy discussions on matters related to economic statistics and data responsiveness to development
    •  Build and entrance Ghana's reputation for data use across domestic and international statistical systems, maximising the benefits of collaboration and partnership working to ensure that Ghana is a model of best practice;
    •  Develop periodic performance reports of the various sections under the remit of the Deputy Government Statistician for Economic and Data Science;
    •  Make a case for the appropriate funding of economic statistics, optimise value for money and ensure probity and good governance in the use of public funds.

    Qualification Required & Experience

    •  A minimum of a research-based postgraduate degree (at least Master s degree( in an area related to statistical economics and economic analysis;
    •  A minimum of 12 years post qualification work experience in a field related to statistical, economics and economic analysis, with at least 5 years in a senior management position;
    •  Evidence of academic or professional publications or representation on issues related to economic statistics; and.
    •  Experience in leading programme development and research projects in a major institution

    Competencies and Skills

    •  A strong record of delivery, including change management in relevant analytical fields;
    •  Evidence of technology deployment in the dispensation of professional duties leading to transformation in the modes of operations.
    •  Management and leadership, with good staff performance, mentoring and coaching practices: and Good interpersonal skills, ability to operate effectively across organisational boundaries.

    Terms of Appointment
    The appointment is for an initial period of four (4) years renewable upon satisfactory performance. Applicants must be eligible and capable of serving a full term of four years before attaining the compulsory retiring age of 60 years.

    Location: Accra

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    Deputy Government Statistician (Social & Population Statistics)


    •  To offer support to the Government Statistician through the provision of strategic leadership for the efficient production and optimal use of economic statistics at all levels of governance (national, regional and district) and by all other stakeholders for promoting an evidence-based decision-making culture


    •  Develop and oversee the implementation of an integrated framework for the transformation of social and population statistics in a manner that responds to national, regional and global development agenda,
    •  Provide strategic direction and lead the production and use of high quality and relevant social and demography statistics including, but not limited to education, health, living conditions, governance and security, cultural, migration. births and deaths, marriages. population, crime, household characteristics, elections, housing, sanitation, leisure and tourism, personal and household finances;
    •  Implement an effective data collection operation and drive its transformation, including integration of complete Information and Technology systems, generation of robust data structures (drift from repeated-cross section to longitudinal), complementing survey and administrative data sources; engagement with hybrid modes of data collection procedures such as online, Paper Assisted Personal Interviews, Computed Assisted Personal Interviews and Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews; and modernization of field operation systems.
    • Redesign the mandate of the Regional Offices to make them more visible through the dispensation of functions including, but not limited to. analysing and disseminating economic, social and once statistics within the regional level
    •  Coordinate and lead discussions with the regional policy and political leaders on how to use statistics to inform development for the region, identifying resources to improve the work of statistics in the region
    •  Institute innovative interventions for a catch-up with international standards. coordinate and lead the production of social and population statistics within the national statistical system.
    •  Build and maintain professional and forward-looking relationships with at government agencies responsible for social and population and statistics and other key user and opinion formers:
    •  Lead the determination and regular update of the scope, granularity and frequency of social and populations statistics;
    •  Lead the production of high-quality social statistics for tracking the performance of national, regional and international development agenda. notably the National Coordinated Programme for Economic and Social Development Policies, the Africa Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
    •  Generate, publish, and defend all needed social and population statistics for national and global development:
    •  Estimate and publish projections of relevant social and population statistics.
    •  Develop systems for linking (within and between) different surveys, censuses and administrative data
    •  Design and implement monitoring and evaluation systems that uncover staff potential and motivation for optimal growth of GSS in a manner that impacts Ghana's development agenda
    •  Provide effective oversight for the conduct of censuses through the design of transformative systems that engender high data quality. timeliness and cast-effectiveness
    •  Submit authoritative commentary on social and population statistics of Ghana relative to other comparable and benchmarked nations through engagement with media and other key external opinion former
    •  Initiate, provide evidence and institutionalize public policy discussions on matters related to social and population statistics;
    •  Develop, lead the implementation, and ensure adherence to codes of practice
    •  Position and project Ghana Statistical Service on the international pedestal as a leader in the production of quality and policy-needed social and population statistics.
    •  Develop framework and publish the responsiveness of government agencies'. private sector organisation's and international development partners' responsiveness to data production and use for national development;
    •  Develop periodic performance reports of the various sections under the remit of the Deputy Government Statistician for Social and Population Statistics;
    •  Make a case for the appropriate funding of socio ­demographic statistics optimise value for money and ensure probity and good governance in the use of public

    Competencies and Skills

    •  A strong record of delivery, including change management in relevant analytical fields;
    •  Evidence of technology deployment in the dispensation of professional duties leading to transformation in the modes of operations.
    •  Management and leadership, with good staff performance, mentoring and coaching practices: and Good interpersonal skills, ability to operate effectively across organisational boundaries.
    • Experience of leading programme development and research project in a major institution;
    • Good inter-personal skills: ability to operate effectively across organizational boundaries.

    Terms of Appointment
    The appointment is for an initial period of four (4) years renewable upon satisfactory performance. Applicants must be eligible and capable of serving a full term of four years before attaining the compulsory retiring age of 60 years.

    Location: Accra

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    Chief Statistician, Quality Assurance

    To bring acceptable quality assurance standards and to ensure the implementation of these standards in the generation of statistics in the GSS.

    Duties and Responsibilities
    Quality Assurance principles, standards and best practice Lead the development, implementation and periodic revision of a:

    •  National Statistical System (NSS) Code of Practice, in accordance with the UN Fundamental Principles for Official Statistics and other international standards;
    •  NSS Quality Assurance Framework for the collection, analysis and dissemination of statistics about Ghana's economy, society and population. This should include standardized error detection measures;
    •  NSS best practice for compilation and publication of survey and administrative metadata. The 2013 'Compendium of statistical standards, definitions of concepts. variables and classifications' used in the production of national statistics. In line with international and regional standards: and
    •  NSS suite of common statistics and methods, that are reproducible and transferable across the whole national statistical system

    Quality Assurance for Data Management

    •  Develop a data management framework and standards for the secure collection, transmission, storage and dissemination/publishing of data by Ghana Statistical Service,
    •  Advise and administer a corporate set of data management and analytical tools should be used by the Service for the collection and production of statistics, and
    •  Ensure that data collected and analysed by GSS are published in open, transparent and reusable formats

    Trust in Statistics and Transparency

    •  Develop and publicise a Release Calendar for the dissemination of national statistics. This should include publishing corrections to national statistics and ad hoc data requests (tables) received by the Service;
    •  Develop regulations for the full review of all national starting with GSS. This will include using the Quality Assurance Framework and Standards to assess and report on the quality of statistical output This will include working with the GSS Senior Leadership Team to ensure that all reports of statistics produced by the GSS are of high quality;
    •  Work with other GSS Senior Leaders. build strong and trusted relationships with users of our data to understand their needs and improve the value of our statistics;
    •  Develop indicators for quality and performance of data quality, and
    •  Lead the discussion and implementation of the designation of statistics in phases (experiment, official and national) based levels of acceptance, usability and robustness.

    Qualification Required & Experience

    •  A minimum of a research-based postgraduate degree (at least Master's degree) in a subject area that is inclined to the use of data
    •  A minimum of 10 years post first degree qualification work experience in a field related to data generation and use with at least 5 years in a management position.

    Competencies and Skills

    •  Show evidence of adherence to data quality through sharing of data and syntax; and
    •  Good interpersonal skills: ability to operate effectively across organisational boundaries.

    Terms of Appointment
    The appointment is for an initial period of four (4) years renewable upon satisfactory performance Applicants must be eligible and capable of serving a full term of four years before attaining the compulsory retiring age of 60 years.

    Location: Accra

    Method of Application

    Interested applicants are to submit six copies of the following set of documents.

    •  Application letter which gives evidence of examples of experience based on the enumerated selection criteria:
    •  Detailed curriculum vitae with contact telephone numbers. e-mail address and three referees, including contact details.
    •  Two-page vision statement for the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS);
    •  Brief statement of job responsibilities in current/latest post, and
    •  Any other relevant information

    The Secretary
    Ghana Statistical Service Governing Board,
    Ghana Statistical Service
    P.O. Box GP 1098

    Email to:
    [email protected]

    Closing Date: 31 December, 2019

    Qualified women are encouraged to apply


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