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The Internal Audit Agency (IAA) was established by the Internal Audit Agency Act 2003 (Act 658) with a mandate to co-ordinate, facilitate and provide quality assurance for Internal Audit Units in MDAs and MMDAs.The key requirements of the Act are the provision of internal auditing assurance and consulting services that will ultimately lead to the enhancement...
To provide general legal services to management and the board and act as the board secretary and assistant to the Director-General
Duties and Responsibilities
Qualification Required & Experience
To provide inputs into the preparation of sustainable, strategic and corporate plan for the Agency and design and implement monitoring and evaluation systems
Duties & Responsibilities
Qualification Required & Experience
To advise Director-General on Technical and Field operations to ensure the achievement of the objectives of the agency
Duties and Responsibilities
Qualification Required & Experience
To guide and manage the provision of human resource services, policies and programmes for the Agency and Internal Audits of covered entities in the Public Sector.
Duties and Responsibilities
Qualification Required & Experience
To assist the Deputy Director-General (TFO) to ensure conformity with standards in internal auditing within the covered entities.
Duties and Responsibilities
Qualification Required & Experience
Interested applicants should send their applications, CVs and all other relevant documents to the address below: The Director-General Internal Audit Agency PMB 31, Ministries Post Office Accra OR The 5th Floor Ghana Multimedia House (Ghana House)
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